This series of articles is spread over 3 catalog records 3-12, 3-14 and 3-15. This record includes the articles numbered 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, and 23. Preprint 9 and 10- Kotelnikov, V. A. "Radar contact with Venus". Preprint-11 Kotelnikov, V. A., Apraksin, L.V., Voytov, V.0., Golubtsov, M.G., Dubrovin, V.M., Zaytsev, N.M., Korenberg, Ye.B., Minashin, V.P., Morozov, V.A., Nikitskiy, N.I., Petrov, G.M., Rzhiga, O.N., Shakhovskoy, A.M. " Radar system employed during radar contact with Venus in 1961". Report 12- Kotelnikov, V. A., Shakhovskoy, A.M "Radio location of the planet Venus", Comunique of the Academy of Sciences, U. S. S. R. pre Izvestia May 12, 191, translated by Joseph L. Zygielbaum. Article 17- Kotelnikov, V. A.,Dubrovin, V.M, Dubinskiy, B. A.,Kislik, M. D., Kuznetsov, B. I., Lishin, L. V. , Morozov, V. A., Petrov, G. M., Rzhiga, O. N., Sytsko, G. S., Shakhovskoy, A. M. "Radar observations of Venus in the USSR in 1962" Doklaky Akademii Nauk SSSR (Reports of USSR Academy of Science) 151 no. 3 (1963). Article 19-Kotelnikov, V. A.,Dubrovin, V.M, Dubinskiy, B. A.,Kislik, M. D., Kuznetsov, B. I., Petrov, G. M., Rabotyagov, A. P., Rzhiga, O. N., Shakhovskoy, A. M. " A Radar study of the planet Mars in the Soviet Union" Translation of an article in Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Vol. 161 no. 4 (1963) 811-814. Article 21- Kotelnikov, V. , Cuskov G. Ya, A.,Dubrovin, B. I., Morozov, V. A., Nikitskiy, N. I., "Radar location of planet Mercury" Translation of an article in Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Vol. 147 no. 6 (1962) 1320-1323. Article 22- Shabad, Theodore "Jupiter reached by Soviet radar" New York Times (Dec. 30 1963). Article 23-"Earth-Jupiter-Earth, Radio Echo from the far distant planet" Pravda (Dec. 29 1963). Processing note, 3-10 and 3-12 and 3-14 seem to have been replaced. Originally 3-10 through 3-12 were a series of negatives, and 3-14 was historical photos. The item currently marked as 3-10 appears to originally have been 3-15b, 3-11 is missing and 3-12 and 3-14 are currently a series of articles on radar mapping. The original materials may have been separated and placed into a photographic collection.